Become a member today

Our people are important to the success of the Umina Beach Men’s Shed. Our group of patrons are all committed to promoting the best outcomes for Umina Beach Men’s Shed. The Men’s Shed movement helps to strengthen communities and bring men together to facilitate positive lifestyle choices and outcomes.

Application form available for download at the bottom of this page.

Information for New Members

Type of work done:

As a community funded and supported Shed, we will give priority to appropriate projects that benefit our community. The Shed supports members working on individual projects however materials used are at the members’ expense.

Shed Facilities:

  • Tools and Equipment for Wood and Metal work are available
  • Work areas
  • Kitchen and dining area
  • Office with computers and associated equipment.
  • Access to internet and Wi-Fi

Note 1. The security of members personal items, or materials, brought to the Shed is their responsibility.

Hours of Operation:  

The Shed will be open between 8:00am to 12:00pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Attendance at the Shed: 

  • Only Financial Members may attend the shed – this is due to insurance restrictions.
  • Record of attendance: Members are required to sign an attendance sheet on arrival and sign out on leaving the premises.  This is to meet insurance and safety requirements.
  • Record of Members Information:  Each Prospective member is required complete an Application for Membership Form. This application will seek personal information in particular, health and past experience.



The Umina Beach Men’s Shed Inc is administered by a Volunteer Management Committee elected from current financial members at the AGM.

Policies & Procedures:

Workplace Health & Safety (WH&S):  The Legislation with respect to WH&S is designed to provide a safe environment for every member, and it is essential that each member plans to ensure their actions are safe for themselves and other members.

Members will be required to –

  • Wear covered footwear when attending the shed. There are no exceptions.
  • Wear earmuffs or ear plugs when using equipment.
  • Not wear any loose items of clothing or have long hair because of the risk attached eg. clothing been drawn into a machine.

Machine/Tool use Certification:  Before using a particular tool or machine. each Member will be assessed and certified by a qualified person to use a particular tool or machine.

Safe use of Machines:  Notices are displayed on or near equipment advising providing instruction for the safe use of that machine.

Substance Abuse:

  • Drug or Alcohol effected persons will be refused entry to the shed.
  • Consumption of illicit drugs or Alcohol, while at the shed, is prohibited.

Smoking: Smoking is prohibited, within the Shed premises and any area where work is being undertaken for and on behalf of the Shed.

Storage of personal jobs:  Due to the limited storage space available, any job or project brought to the Shed by a member must be taken home by that member at the end of each day.

First Aid:  Several existing members hold a Current Certification in emergency First Aid and CPR. The Shed is equipped with several strategically placed First Aid Kits and an AED (Automatic external Defibrillator).


A membership application may be downloaded by clicking the button below.

Download Members Application Form